Whilst life can teach you a lesson every day, even when you get older, I’ve would have never expected to feel like I’m actually going back to school and attending classes to learn something.

Now, it’s not exactly what you think. Whilst the ”teacher” was not an old person from way ahead of your time, teaching you history or math, it was an interesting experience. We attended a course about pregnancy, child birth and trying to learn how to tend for a newborn.

I was thinking the same as you are thinking now. Really, can you truly learn that ? Well, the truth is somewhere in the middle to be honest. Did it help, yes somewhat. Did it prepare us for what’s coming ? Absolutely not, nothing can. Best way to learn is to practice and be hands on. Since I embarked on this journey of fatherhood, I heard several stories from new parents. It all sounded very similar. Once they got home from the hospital, they had no clue what to do. ”We just stared at the baby until it started crying then we looked at each other, what now ?” to quote a fellow new dad.

I knew that learning how to care for a baby wouldn’t be possible, as much as I like to do my research and be prepared. Exactly what I told my wife when she proposed that we join this course. My argument was simple. Our parents didn’t do anything like this and still managed to raise us. We have uncle google, it will provide an answer for everything. We don’t have to go back to school for this. Did my best, but to no avail. You try arguing and reasoning with a pregnant woman. I dare you, for sure you’ll lose that battle.

So, we signed up for the course. Mentally prepared myself to spend several hours of my free time every evening for a couple of days. At first it was weird. I was getting used to the sight of other soon to be parents. Everyone was talking about the same topic. A topic I knew very little about until that stage. I’m still not at an expert level but did get some valuable insight and understanding on what’s waiting for us. Best tip that gives me hope is something our teacher said. Kids are like pancakes, however hard you try, you’ll mess up the first one. 

Overall, I can say, going back to school was time well spent. I know more than before, and I have some idea of what to prepare myself for. Knowing that there is some room for mistakes, is not an excuse. It’s more of putting yourself in a mindset where you know somethings will go bad but it’s normal, we only human. Nothing ground breaking but it was good to hear and see that others have similar concerns and questions. Put my mind to ease and makes me feel a bit more confident. Confidence that will probably all vanish once a little crying monster pooped itself and needs a diaper change.

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